Jumat, 04 November 2011

How to reduce stomach fat fast

Excess fat in the abdominal cavity, some people feel inferior about their appearance. Especially if the girl has a big belly tuh wah .. definitely suspected pregnancy "Then bagimana way to deal with excess belly fat? So to solve this problem, because you do not have to worry about her weight gain dramatically, because if you have or think your kalai teralu want reduce existing fat belly in belly fat will grow .. "Why is this so? That's because fat is reduced and the impatience for the mismanagement of the ways to reduce fat.

How belly fat with a gradual reduction

First Make a habit of drinking two glasses of white water before meals
Second Preparing breakfast / breakfast. (Adjust your activities Agat carbohydrate needs can be met)
Lunch will be third. but who does not eat as fat and carbohydrates.
Fourth Drink plenty of water
Try eating Fifth day and night only 2 times a buah2an own

How to reduce stomach fat fast

First If your religion Islam try fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. (Unless you worship, it also reduces the fat in the belly with this fast. And when it breaks down enough to eat and do not exaggerate)
Second Drink plenty of water
Third Just Eat breakfast (7.10 hours of opening transition jgan it) (spaces not eat enough vegetables in one piece +)
Fourth pisang/buah2an For lunch only just
Fifth Pisang/buah2an for dinner only
6 Do not forget to always drink plenty of water
Seventh Perform daily activities jgan eat only sleep, eat, sleep!

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Benefits of circumcision

Benefits of circumcision for men

First you want easy to control.
Second If you have a penis of the family will be cleaner, not only prevent abrasions / irritation, and premature ejaculation.
Third spegma Avoid accumulation, ie, white, sticky dirt that often smells,
from fat body produces mixed bacteria and residual urine.
Fourth Minimising the spread of HIV.
Fifth Minimize the spread of HPV (human papillomavirus)
Sixth woman who was married to circumcised men contracted safer than cervical cancer.
Seventh prevent cervical cancer.

Benefits of female circumcision

Minimize the infection first occurs due to the accumulation of microbes under the hood
Second Cause deposits reduction, cancer can semegma
Third Some believe that female circumcision can syahwatnya to stabilize stimulation.
The fourth benefit of circumcision of women in areas with warm climates.
In general, women have a clitoris in a warm room, which keeps growing and has definitely increased arousal

if the sexual contact with clothing, including pants dalam.Terkadang very rapid growth of the clitoris
until the woman can not be fucked.

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Treatment of postpartum belly

After the birth of the stomach is weak and is the oldest black belly everywhere. Try the herb have interns and mebuat stomach back tight, smooth as the girl's stomach. Take 3 tablespoons of whiting (INJET: java), mixed with two teaspoons of eucalyptus oil. Stir well. Then give the lemon juice (1 small fruit size). Stir until a dough is very thin. Lulurkan in all parts of the belly front and rear, so there is no pressure or massaging motion. Cover with a thin towel around your body. Tie a scarf or cloth pads or fairings. Lakukn night before bed. Wash in the morning while bathing. This therapy will be done one week after birth to 40 days. If you still want better results, up to two months will continue. The result is a strong and flexible abdomen.

Jumat, 02 September 2011

An easy way to cure impotence

Impotence or impotence terribly so, what gagahnya lelaki.Biar kayak. Let the rich

King, if the weapon is pleased to be yes .. unfounded. Tasks such as husband. if

men, including those who do not like this rush of men treated with the ingredients listed below:


10 grams of fennel.
25 grams pulosari.
20 grams of black pepper (paprika).
10 grams of garlic.
5 grams of turmeric.
10 grams of pure honey.
2 chicken eggs

It works like this:

Fennel, pulosari, black pepper and garlic fine, mixed with enough hot water.
After spreading a mixture of honey rather cold with egg yolk. then stir until blended.

Taken before bedtime or morning. The disease has an impotent quite difficult to do this therapy

a month before the results are satisfactory

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Vaginal fluid

The appearance of women is often a higher priority than the care of the body is the most sensitive area of ??the vagina. They did not know that institutions have a great value.

The vagina is the muscular tissue is very elastic, and an area of ??the sites in the uterus. The vagina is where the penetration of the penis during intercourse, and as a channel of menstruation.

During intercourse, the vaginal walls are touching, to sexual pleasure in women. The front wall of the vagina are also very nervous and sensitive to stimulation of the posterior wall of the vagina.

Although the benefits of organ vagina is so big, but do not give some of the women are even less attention to exclusive treatments. Just thought of the vagina is washed with clean water. But the reality is not so much remains of a woman to keep their intimate organs remain a healthy place.

Here are some first steps you need to know about the health of the vagina, the need to see in the book Partners "Kesproholic" Core cites the team.

Note that the vaginal fluid
Vaginal fluid samples of every woman, especially menstrual experience possessed. It is a viscous liquid form and is a liquid. If the fluid is a clear, sharp and does not report your vagina healthy. However, if the liquid has thickened, yellow, green or thick and spicy, very probably occurred in the vaginal infection.

Perform a routine inspection
Raba and observe the vagina. If there are lumps in certain parts advice, consult a doctor immediately. It could have happened due to a blockage of the gastrointestinal infection. Consider using a mirror can be, being overweight affect the color of the vagina, as well as age. The fattest / age, the darker the color of the vagina.

Be careful when cleaning
Cleaning the vagina must use special tricks to the germs that are in the back near the anus not to move to the front. It would be better if you clean the vagina from front to back. Do not do again and again, because germs can still move. If you want to repeat it, wash your hands several times just do it again. Similarly, when dry. To this end, the hand from front to back, and if you still want to repeat, fold the fabric in the dryer, so they do not repeat the same place.

Make smart sex
You should be in the details of deep trust and partner know you. If you have sex, you need to know how your state. In good condition, it could be you and your partner will experience a sexually transmitted infection. You usually see a doctor and your partner in your reproductive organs.

Do not get treatment
If you experience symptoms of vaginal infection, do not deal directly through the purchase of drugs from the pharmacy. I'd better go and see a doctor to distinguish the correct diagnosis. Inadvertently not take the medication without your doctor's instructions if they do not want side effects, the experience really hurt themselves.

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Natural Ways to Brighten Skin

The face is a form of the first times we see from someone
and We know someone as well as facial. the beautiful woman or handsome man because his face
therefore face very important for treatment.and below is...

Natural Ways to Brighten Skin

The first step uses Cleansing Milk

1.wash your face with cleansing milk equally.
2.Remove from facial cleansing milk with cotton that has been moistened with water
3.then advance again cleaned with liquid refreshment, so that the remaining oil in the face is lost

The second step uses tea bags To help close the pores back two facial skin texture.
Prepare two secondhand tea bags.
Prepare a container and entries two liters of hot water,entries teabags. while stirring.
face lift to the surface of the container at least 30 cm.so that moisture seeped into
the skin of the face of tea.leave to 10 or 15 minutes
chill face before then wipe with a towel